Comments on Profile Post by Rayzyr

  1. cuddlycreeper98
    Jun 26, 2018
  2. Rayzyr
    "was not friendly"? I told him I was sorry if it offended him, and I didn't mean for it to. Then asked if he could please just move on. Everyone else on the server basically agreed what I did wasn't even wrong, so the playerbase seemed fine...
    Jun 26, 2018
  3. Rayzyr
    Please, next time, get both sides of the incident. Sorry to bother you about it, just felt it wasn't exactly too fair.
    Jun 26, 2018
  4. cuddlycreeper98
    Our rules have been set in place ever since the server was made. The comment that was made was NOT appropriate at all. Let alone the person you made that comment to, was a previous Staff Member. That type of talk is NOT player friendly. Take that as a lesson for future references.
    Jun 26, 2018