1. Add aura and shiny egg quests similar to shadow quest but in gen1 and 2 only because it's ded there is only average around 10 people on gen2¡ 2. Also create some more CHALLENGES for all gens because the current ones such as catch/battle have been completed multiple times so maybe add some more catch/battle challenges 3. And finally, for example when a wild pokemon spawns very close to a trainer npc and u right click the npc with a pokemon, it registers in chat that u r battling the trainer but on screen u battle that wild pokemon. And then once u kill the wild pokemon, and right click the trainer u can't battle it because you've already "battled" it. Pls fix
Thanks for your ideas! N1: Sounds cool and may attract more players but will most likely ruin the economy N2: Definitely agree with this one, would be cool to see more challenges N3: Definitely something that happens to me a bit but very easily avoidable if you are cautious (I think it would be very complicated to fix too)
Love the 2nd and 3rd one but again the first one seems good but it' way too OP. Maybe an epic egg quest ?
Thanks for the feedback however I do know that it is avoidable but it really is really annoying especially if it just cancels out a veteran