Competitive Battling & Battle Pass

Discussion in 'News forums' started by Daniel Matias, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. Daniel Matias

    Daniel Matias Co-Owner of PokeFind Owner Manager

    Oct 28, 2016
    I totally just swept one of my team members in competitive battling, My Arceus and Weedle are an absolute beast in Uber tier!
    That’s right, I said Uber tier - when you join any Pokemon World server you can /cbattle and queue up for Normal Tier or Uber Tier!
    Shadows are banned in both tiers!
    Both tiers restrict you to only one Pokemon of that same species and they both restrict multiple of the same held item.

    Uber Tier allows Anniversaries and Legendaries to be used.
    Normal Tier bans Anniversaries and Legendaries.

    I’ll tell you one thing though that I am extremely hyped about, we are introducing Season 1 Battle Pass!!
    Here’s the information you need to know:
    This is the Season 1 Battle Pass, gain more rewards as you raise through the ranks of Competitive Battling! While also gaining rewards from the free in-game Battle Pass, you gain more exclusive rewards with the Premium Battle Pass available on! Over 100 rewards to be earned with a value of over $200! You can view all the rewards with /battlepass

    How does the Battle Pass work?

    The more you play, the more you get. Hop into Competitive Battle (/cbattle) to prove your skill and gain Battle Pass experience every time you faint an opponent’s Pokémon and win.

    What happens if I buy the Battle Pass late in the season?
    You will receive all the rewards up to the current level you are at at the time of purchasing. You won’t miss out!

    Along with todays Update we have added in some nice, little features you’ll experience as you’re unlocking tiers on your Battle Pass:

    - PC Background Pages
    You can Edit your PC Background through the settings in your PC. New PC pages can be earned in Battle Pass.

    - Summon Effects
    You are able to change these through the PokeWorld Cosmetics Menu in your /pokegear! New Summon Effects can be earned in Battle Pass.

    - New Battle UI
    A new and improved Battle UI, we have redesigned the entire battle system. It feels more like an accual battle gui with custom buttons, a battle field and much more! The Battle Backgrounds can be customized to your liking as well! These can be changed and altered in your PokeWorld Cosmetics Menu as well! New Battle Backgrounds can be earned in Battle Pass.

    We hope you guys enjoy this update as much as we have enjoyed making it! Work your way through Season 1 of Competitive Battling and gain all of the rewards from the tiers, and most importantly, have fun! <3