Hatching Pokemon By Walking

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Austin Dewitt Crawford, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Austin Dewitt Crawford

    Austin Dewitt Crawford Member

    Aug 18, 2017
    After choosing an Egg from the Egg Guy, the player must walk around with the Egg until it hatches. An Egg will not hatch or become closer to hatching while it is stored in the Ranch Guy. In an Egg's summary, instead of the usual information, there is only an indicator of roughly how long the Egg will take before it hatches. Eggs cannot participate in a battle.

    After a sufficient amount of steps, the Egg will hatch. A "step" in regards to Egg hatching is equivalent to the time it takes to walk the full length of four blocks at normal speed. This is Pixelmon is two blocks. Methods of boosting traveling speed, like mounting a bike or Pokemon, a Pokémon will increase the rate that Egg steps are deducted at. The amount of steps needed for an Egg to hatch depends on the species of Pokémon inside the Egg.

    I am fully aware that this would possibly be hard in coding, but if done would be useful. I would like to see a 24-hour cooldown so that you cannot abuse this feature.
  2. Larzrum

    Larzrum Member

    Apr 1, 2017
    I would love this and would actually start breeding Pokemon. Since all I do now is just run around and collect Poke stops. Give me something else to do on the PokeWorld server.
  3. Voultronix

    Voultronix Crazy Active Member

    Mar 25, 2017
    They've spent so long perfecting the timing of eggs that I doubt they'll ever change it. Plus thisahs been suggested before and never been considered
  4. Prokopis

    Prokopis Active Member

    Sep 2, 2017
    It seems like an interesting suggestion since players can go and walk around the world and explore,but as a player already said, i doubt it is going to be implemented now that the timers have been changed.