Hey trainers!
We're rolling out an update that adds Effort Values or EVs to the server. This is a feature from the traditional games that we're bringing to PokéFind. It means Pokémon get stronger the more you fight with them. Unlike IVs, they
will increase the more you use your Pokémon. That's all you need to know, but feel free to read more here:
There is of course a limit to what EVs can reach, and its a matter of spending EV points on stats that will benefit your Pokémon the most. If you've trained a stat, and you want to train another stat instead, EVs can be lowered using special berries. These berries can be purchased from
Aunty Alma's House, which is located
South of Amber City, for 1000 coins.
Aunty Alma can also review your Pokémon's EVs, for a price, similar to Fred the Scientist for IVs.
We've also updated the map to show a LIVE view of gyms! So you can easily check what gyms are controlled by your team, and find gyms to take down.
More updates are coming soon!
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