Last Activity:
Jan 26, 2018
Feb 7, 2017
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Trophy Points:
October 9


Crazy Active Member, Male

All purchasing/store issues must be sent to [email protected]. Aug 27, 2017

PeteZa was last seen:
Jan 26, 2018
    1. GismothegamerYT
      How do i apply for staff
    2. rufffisher
      i selected a very hard challenge on accident is there a way i can unable the challenge
    3. rhinoboy
      can u help me?
    4. cg807
      Hi I'm cg807, and there's a bug where I'll be playing Pokewars, it won't let me die from final kill, and I'll win out of nowhere. People are accusing me of hacks and I don't want to get banned.
    5. bobthebuilder514
      i was banned for scamming but i lost power and got disconnected can u help
    6. DrAco
      I would like to report a serious issue i posted this on forums but never got an answer so basically the issue is that when ever i would go into the pokemon world it would load the texture pack freeze my game then crash and i did the router for 30sec thing delete the texture pack file and that stuff but nothing ive even changed versions please help
    7. terminator_XX
      i was reported for hacking but i was not and i got banned
      1. terminator_XX
        Sep 23, 2017
    8. Pieterjan
      Hello PeteZa,
      I like the server but I have a problem.
      The new Thea and Crainer quest isn't working for me, can you help me?
    9. TheZane
      My username is TheZane and whenever i try to log in it says "Sorry, failed to load your data! Please contact a member of our staff." I really want to play and ! don't know why this is happening. Iv'e tried every version of minecraft and restarting everything I can think of
    10. SuperSanic Playz
      SuperSanic Playz
      hello can you check out my mod request?
    11. Swagelicous
      Hi I'm 11 and I really whant a rank and please I have no pay pal that why I'm sending please have a heart please my Minecraft name is swagelicous
      Please text back yeas or no please say yes but if no please send back no or msg me on [email protected]

      Sent from my iPod
    12. ConnorAlbury
      Hello my name is Connor Albury but my username is Monsterdjc.
      I was banned for having an inappropriate skin that said fu and i know that could be offensive so i changed it but i dont know how to appeal on forums and i am just asking for your help to get appealed can you please help me i would really appreciate.

      Thank You
    13. Draxx95
      or can you tell me how to appeal
    14. Draxx95
      hi my in game name id Draxx95
      i was ban form the server and i am asking you to unban me plz i want to play poke world with ssundee so if you can plz plz plz unban me i am vary sorry i will never hack again an this server
    15. Ryley
      i have been banned from this sever for nothing and i just want to say i love the server and if you can help me get back in it i would be so thankful and my user name is Enderkiller068
    16. Jeff0G
    17. ImaTrashCannot
      PeteZa I went to ryder to do the legendary bird quest and I was in a battle then in the middle of the battle I got teleported outside team rockets base. Can u help me get back in bc I cant continue quest I'm just waiting outside of base
    18. DevineCyko
      Hi just wondering how long it takes for appeals to be reviewed?
    19. SliverUnknown
      Hi, do you know why I can't join I tried 1.10 but it says Not authenticated with
    20. Sabrina Staffieri
      Sabrina Staffieri
      Hi, there's a hole at spawn, that I am currently stuck in as I am typing this, right beside the trainer with the red snorlax behind pokemon center.
      1. PeteZa
        Send me coordinates? + server
        Sep 16, 2017
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    October 9