Introducing Berries To Pokestops and increase the rate of getting Evolutionary Items

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Superabel123, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. Superabel123

    Superabel123 New Member

    Apr 8, 2017
    Right now this is the stuff you can get from pokestops
    List of items
    -Poke Ball
    -Great Ball
    -Ultra Ball
    -Super Potion
    -Hyper Potion
    -Fire stone (1/500% chance)
    -Water stone (1/500% chance)
    -Leaf stone (1/500% chance)
    -Thunder stone (1/500% chance)
    -Moon stone (1/500% chance)

    What I feel is that the drop rate for evolutionary items is too unfair and should be increased to something like 1/250,1/125 or 1/100 or another idea would be to increase the chance of getting rarer items from pokestops
    per level as many low level players has gotten stones while the higher leveled players may not have gotten any throughout their gameplay,which would be unfair.
    (High chance of getting drops as your level goes up -Drop rate becomes level-induced)

    Another idea would be implement berries to pokestops albeit at a low rate for example,being at 1% chance.
    Right now if one wants a berry,he would need to go all the way to the NPC,Aunty Alma to get one.Which could be quite troublesome.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  2. Emma_Rosalie

    Emma_Rosalie New Member

    Apr 8, 2017
    I'm not quite sure this would be a great idea. Not to discourage you, but in my opinion, increasing the drop rate for Evolutionary Stones would decrease their overall value. It's true that some new players can get more stones than a seasoned player, but that's simply luck. Plus with the new Challenges and Red, there are more stones in the community than before. Augmenting their drop rate from pokestops doesn't seem needed for the time being. In regards to berries, not a terrible idea, but it would create a lot of clutter within your inventory, as they cannot be sold. Berries are also typically purchased as needed. Players without a rank do not have /ev, and therefore would have to go to Aunty Alma anyway to check the Ev's, and then purchase the berries they need.
  3. ZombByeGod

    ZombByeGod Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
    If it's it 1 out of 500 for each then the chance of getting a stone is 5 out of 500 right? Which is 1/100 chance of getting a stone. Correct me on this if I'm wrong. Also I keep hearing "increasing" but I think you guys mean "decreasing". Don't think there is a need to increase the chances cause of right now I do have 5 stone in my inventory and have had over 10 in total. There not as rare as you might think.
  4. NerfedSurvivor

    NerfedSurvivor New Member

    Apr 10, 2017
    I think the stone drop rates are already high because I once found 5 stones in 2 days
  5. greatgamer5001

    greatgamer5001 New Member

    May 5, 2017
    your lucky. It's your luck. You welcome. (1 day 0 stones)(me)
  6. NerfedSurvivor

    NerfedSurvivor New Member

    Apr 10, 2017
    Yeah but I think its kinda lower now.....