PokeWars | Generations

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by WitherSlayer1, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. WitherSlayer1

    WitherSlayer1 Active Member

    Jan 8, 2018
    Sorry for posting in the Suggestions area a lot, I just can't stay away from posting :confused:. Anyway, my idea is for my friends that love certain Generations and only want to stick with them.
    My idea is you can have a Gen 1 PokeWars, a Gen 2 PokeWars, a Gen 3 Pokewars, etc... (Obviously once we get enough Pokemon) and a Mixed Mode where it's sort of like where we are now. I think this would be a faster way to grind level up specific Pokemon and gives you more options. It just adds a challenge in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, some of my friends I play with want to add more of a challenge and would most likely agree. It would be cool if you had to be a certain PokeWars level to unlock certain Gen's (and would need a Pokemon from the Gen's obviously), I don't know it's a quick little thought that I think would make more competitive battlers all get summed up in one area. If you were a certain PokeWars level it would be good to buy Legend to get all the Generation's instantly, and it divides all the starters - pros (skill, not rank) in one area.
  2. RainbowTeletubi

    RainbowTeletubi Admin Staff Member Manager Staff Manager

    Sep 24, 2017
    Its a decent idea, but with the pokewars playerbase I feel it would be hard to get full games especially late at night if we have 3 seperate servers to play on. If we have 3 servers, each of them will need singles, doubles and quadruples meaning we have 9 servers. At a time where only 30 people are online on pokewars, it will be very hard to fill up a game and find where the majority of the playerbase is.