survival beta errors

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by SpaceTimewarrior, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. SpaceTimewarrior

    SpaceTimewarrior New Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    first when changing between servers anything you claimed/changed/groups created don't transfer over(the only thing that transfers is your personal inventory and everything else is only saved in one server)
    second it takes forever to load the resource pack.
    third did not see anyone in the pokemart on spawn the pokemon center is fine though
    forth if you try to claim more than 10 chunks you need tester which I did not see it in the ranks and could not access the pokemart so I can't tell
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  2. SpaceTimewarrior

    SpaceTimewarrior New Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    /questlog does not work at all
    it just takes the command but does nothing like as if I did not use it
  3. RainbowTeletubi

    RainbowTeletubi Admin Staff Member Manager Staff Manager

    Sep 24, 2017
    Note: Pokesurvival is in beta so all the features are not out. When chaging servers they don't all sync in, they are seperate so not everyone has a base in the same world to reduce lag and so everything around isn't claimed. I believe the PokeMart will be out when PokeSurvival is fully released and so will /questlog as they add quests to the world. Hope this clears things up <3