Update: 6/07/19

Discussion in 'News forums' started by ShootingFor3, Jun 7, 2019.

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  1. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    Hey everyone,

    It's been a rough week huh? Hahaha, but we came out strong and thank you guys for being awesome as always during everything! ❤ Special Thanks to our amazing Staff for their quick reactions and the time they put forward in keeping everything under control, and special thanks to you guys for reporting it as it started and for just being plain awesome! Hahaha

    We have a nice update today by the way

    Head on over to Duskburn in Shiloh Region, and speak to Anne at the tomb! She's been having trouble sleeping the last few weeks and she needs you to investigate!
    Go on a journey and return to the distortion world in this quest!
    Also.... if you have a Giratina, when you've completed the quest you will unlock the Griseous Orb!! :eek: This will allow you to change your Giratina's form

    This quest is possible thanks to @AlmightyPiLord & @LordOfEyeballs !
    If you're interested in making similar quests be sure to contact Professor or QA Manager or a Senior QA Member !

    Ah, noticed the massive amount of emotes we now have access to huh? Well, it's all thanks to you guys and the massive amount of love from Nitro Boosting!! Thanks so much you guys for supporting our community, and we cannot wait to introduce more updates in the following weeks.
    AlmightyPiLord and Nicki like this.