Hello everyone!
Welcome to the PokéFind Network's official rules. Everything listed here is to inform you, not break the rules
(Staff will decide what is and is not breaking these rules with their best judgement). These rules are Subject to change at any time. So check back every so often to make sure you are up to date with the rules.
Caps - Sending a message with an overuse of capital letters is not allowed.
Spam/Promoting Spam - Sending numerous messages in a short period of time and asking players stuff to get the chat to spam is not allowed.
• Examples:
►► “Anyone here??” x5,
►► “Type a number between 1-10 to win a free Pokémon!”
Character Spam -
Excessive amount of Characters is not allowed.
• Examples:
►► pspspspspspspspspspspsps
►► Nfjdkskennrurifucudie
►► !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
►► Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy youuuuuuu guuuyyyyyyyyyys!!...
Welcome to the PokéFind Network's official rules. Everything listed here is to inform you, not break the rules
(Staff will decide what is and is not breaking these rules with their best judgement). These rules are Subject to change at any time. So check back every so often to make sure you are up to date with the rules.
Caps - Sending a message with an overuse of capital letters is not allowed.
Spam/Promoting Spam - Sending numerous messages in a short period of time and asking players stuff to get the chat to spam is not allowed.
• Examples:
►► “Anyone here??” x5,
►► “Type a number between 1-10 to win a free Pokémon!”
Character Spam -
Excessive amount of Characters is not allowed.
• Examples:
►► pspspspspspspspspspspsps
►► Nfjdkskennrurifucudie
►► !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
►► Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy youuuuuuu guuuyyyyyyyyyys!!...
Hello Trainers,
This post will go over everything you need to know about Berries. This way you are fully in the know about how to use Berries in our Berry update!
I will not go over what each Berry does because bulbapedia does a great job doing that. I have hyperlinked each berry so you can click on it and it will redirect you to the bulbapedia page of that berry.
Currently, Pomeg Berry, Grepa Berry, Hondew Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Tamato Berry, Leppa Berry spawn...
This post will go over everything you need to know about Berries. This way you are fully in the know about how to use Berries in our Berry update!
I will not go over what each Berry does because bulbapedia does a great job doing that. I have hyperlinked each berry so you can click on it and it will redirect you to the bulbapedia page of that berry.
Currently, Pomeg Berry, Grepa Berry, Hondew Berry, Kelpsy Berry, Qualot Berry, Tamato Berry, Leppa Berry spawn...
Hello trainers!
PokéWars has just been FULLY RELEASED!

We've included a bunch of new maps, kits, cosmetics and more!
- Added DOUBLES gamemode! (2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2)
- Added 14 new kits, all with unique Charge Moves! Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Mareep, Ditto, Teddiursa, Houndour, Machop, Heracross, Scyther, Abra, Larvitar, Celebi and Mew. Kits can be unlocked now with Coins and Crates - Added new SOLO and DOUBLES maps! Fossil and Pipe
- Added new FOURS maps! Mystical, Arab and Glide
- Added two new upgrades! Rare Candies and XP Share
- Added new items! Revive and Berries - Revamped Charge Moves
- Fixed Party bugs and much more!
Crates & Cosmetics

In this update, you will also see our new Crate system and Cosmetics! You can earn Crates when completing a game or winning. You can earn ANY tier Crate from this. Let me repeat that again...
Hello Trainers!
It is now time for all of you to prove that you are the very best!! That's right, we have just released Competitive Battling! This is something we have worked very hard on and are super excited to release it! Before we get to the details of Competitive Battling, please check out our Trailer/tweet and show us some love

Let's go over all the details:
/cbattle - to queue yourself for a competitive battle
/cbattle leave - to leave the queue
/cbattle top - to view all the Top Trainers of each rank
There are five ranks. Our system is based off of a Dynamic ELO rank system. The first couple of days you all might be bouncing back and forth from rank to rank because everyone is starting off at same level.
Here are the 5 ranks in order from Highest to Lowest:
Grand Champion > Master > Gold > Silver > Bronze...
Got some very exciting news

Right now, only people with Ranks can join in and play. We will be running a 10% Off Sale on Ranks throughout the duration of Beta. This will help us test and fix any bugs/issues that are in Pokemon Skyblock. Once everything is fixed, we will open it to everyone

Also, there are some updates on "Pokemon World"'s side:
- Added 5 new Aura Pokemon to Aura Eggs
- Added moves to Evolution Stone evolved Pokemon in the Move Relearner. For example, Arcanine can relearn moves that growlithe learns.
- Few Bug fixes
We still have 2 very big updates that we are working on and a lot of smaller things planned! Stay tuned and have fun on Skyblock <3
Hey trainers!
We've just rolled out another update that adds friends and more to PokéFind.
- /friends - View your friends
- /friend <player> - Send a friend request
- /removefriend <player> - Remove a player from your friends list
- /friends enable - Enable friend requests
- /friends disable - Disable friend requests
We hope this will help you keep in touch with other trainers you meet in the wild in Kyoto!
- You can now gain Trainer Experience from spinning Poké Stops
- Added loads of new move animations!
- Increased spawning of Pokémon when you enter a new area where there aren't any trainers
- Hats will now stay on your head if you relog / change server
- Fixed EXP Share experience amount
- Fixed bug where sometimes two-turn moves cause battle to freeze
- HOPEFULLY fixed evolution menu / move learn menu loop / lag bug
- Unfortunately we've had many reports of people making false claims like '50 hypes for shiny eggs' so the hype command is disabled for now
- Added more...
We've just rolled out another update that adds friends and more to PokéFind.
- /friends - View your friends
- /friend <player> - Send a friend request
- /removefriend <player> - Remove a player from your friends list
- /friends enable - Enable friend requests
- /friends disable - Disable friend requests
We hope this will help you keep in touch with other trainers you meet in the wild in Kyoto!
- You can now gain Trainer Experience from spinning Poké Stops
- Added loads of new move animations!
- Increased spawning of Pokémon when you enter a new area where there aren't any trainers
- Hats will now stay on your head if you relog / change server
- Fixed EXP Share experience amount
- Fixed bug where sometimes two-turn moves cause battle to freeze
- HOPEFULLY fixed evolution menu / move learn menu loop / lag bug
- Unfortunately we've had many reports of people making false claims like '50 hypes for shiny eggs' so the hype command is disabled for now
- Added more...
Hey trainers,
We're just released another UPDATE!
- Added Held Items! This means you can give ANY of your Pokémon ANY item to hold! Simply drag and drop the item onto your Pokémon, and shift-click the Pokémon to get it back. This can be used to trade items and avoid scamming, as you can see the item here http://prnt.sc/elhidm ! It can also be used for additional storage for your items. Don't worry your Pokémon will keep them safe!
- Added new Trainer Handbook! The Trainer Handbook is given to all trainers, whether you started your adventure today or weeks ago, and will provide information on different aspects of the server and hopefully answer any questions. It also has an Update Log http://prnt.sc/elhiq9 !
- Added Exp. Shares! Exp. Shares can be given to your Pokémon to hold, and will earn them experience even if they didn't participate in battle. Very useful for training low-level Pokémon! Exp. Shares come with the Champion and Legendary ranks, and can be...
We're just released another UPDATE!
- Added Held Items! This means you can give ANY of your Pokémon ANY item to hold! Simply drag and drop the item onto your Pokémon, and shift-click the Pokémon to get it back. This can be used to trade items and avoid scamming, as you can see the item here http://prnt.sc/elhidm ! It can also be used for additional storage for your items. Don't worry your Pokémon will keep them safe!
- Added new Trainer Handbook! The Trainer Handbook is given to all trainers, whether you started your adventure today or weeks ago, and will provide information on different aspects of the server and hopefully answer any questions. It also has an Update Log http://prnt.sc/elhiq9 !
- Added Exp. Shares! Exp. Shares can be given to your Pokémon to hold, and will earn them experience even if they didn't participate in battle. Very useful for training low-level Pokémon! Exp. Shares come with the Champion and Legendary ranks, and can be...
This post will explain to Trainers what does "Trainer Level" actually mean and what does it affect.
Trainer Level is a system we created to add a feeling of player progression. Trainer Level is what determines the Max Level of a Wild Pokémon that you can see and also what Pokémon you can see. There are rare Pokémon that only start spawning for you at a certain Trainer Level as well. This is why sometimes a friend of yours might see a Pokémon that you don’t see or the same Pokémon that you do see is a different level.
You earn Trainer Level XP from battling Pokémon.
Below is a chart of each Trainer Level’s Wild Pokémon level cap and what rare Pokémon have a minimum Trainer Level for you to start seeing them. Keep in mind, Evolution Pokémon will not be on this list. However, a Pokémon evolves at level 30, for example, will mean that you will only start seeing that Pokémon spawning in the wild at Trainer Level 10.
Also, Starter Pokémon, Shiny Pokémon...
Trainer Level is a system we created to add a feeling of player progression. Trainer Level is what determines the Max Level of a Wild Pokémon that you can see and also what Pokémon you can see. There are rare Pokémon that only start spawning for you at a certain Trainer Level as well. This is why sometimes a friend of yours might see a Pokémon that you don’t see or the same Pokémon that you do see is a different level.
You earn Trainer Level XP from battling Pokémon.
Below is a chart of each Trainer Level’s Wild Pokémon level cap and what rare Pokémon have a minimum Trainer Level for you to start seeing them. Keep in mind, Evolution Pokémon will not be on this list. However, a Pokémon evolves at level 30, for example, will mean that you will only start seeing that Pokémon spawning in the wild at Trainer Level 10.
Also, Starter Pokémon, Shiny Pokémon...
Hey trainers!
We're rolling out an update that adds Effort Values or EVs to the server. This is a feature from the traditional games that we're bringing to PokéFind. It means Pokémon get stronger the more you fight with them. Unlike IVs, they will increase the more you use your Pokémon. That's all you need to know, but feel free to read more here:
There is of course a limit to what EVs can reach, and its a matter of spending EV points on stats that will benefit your Pokémon the most. If you've trained a stat, and you want to train another stat instead, EVs can be lowered using special berries. These berries can be purchased from Aunty Alma's House, which is located South of Amber City, for 1000 coins. Aunty Alma can also review your Pokémon's EVs, for a price, similar to Fred the Scientist for IVs.
We've also updated the map to show a LIVE view of gyms! So you can easily check what gyms...
We're rolling out an update that adds Effort Values or EVs to the server. This is a feature from the traditional games that we're bringing to PokéFind. It means Pokémon get stronger the more you fight with them. Unlike IVs, they will increase the more you use your Pokémon. That's all you need to know, but feel free to read more here:
There is of course a limit to what EVs can reach, and its a matter of spending EV points on stats that will benefit your Pokémon the most. If you've trained a stat, and you want to train another stat instead, EVs can be lowered using special berries. These berries can be purchased from Aunty Alma's House, which is located South of Amber City, for 1000 coins. Aunty Alma can also review your Pokémon's EVs, for a price, similar to Fred the Scientist for IVs.
We've also updated the map to show a LIVE view of gyms! So you can easily check what gyms...
Hello everyone,
It has now been 1 week since we launched! However, for myself and our team it feels like it has been a month
Throughout the week, we focused heavily on fixing major bugs and adding new content so let's go over what we did:
It has now been 1 week since we launched! However, for myself and our team it feels like it has been a month

Throughout the week, we focused heavily on fixing major bugs and adding new content so let's go over what we did:
- Gyms were added! Gyms work very similarly to Pokemon GO. Once you reach Trainer Level 5, you can go to any gym and interact with the NPC to pick a team. Choose wisely because you can not change your team. When you have Pokemon in a Gym, do /claim daily for in-game rewards.
- Trading added! We were really excited to launch a feature that was much requested, trading. Once you are over Trainer Level 10, do /trade (username) to trade with someone near by. You can not trade any starters or legends.
- Evolution Stones added! Another feature that was heavily asked for and really happy we were able to deliver on
There are 3 ways to get Evolution Stone: 1)...
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